class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Welcome! ## An overview of the course ### Daniel Anderson ### Week 1 --- layout: true <script> feather.replace() </script> <div class="slides-footer"> <span> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="download"></i> </a> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="link"></i> </a> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="github"></i> </a> </span> </div> --- # Agenda .pull-left[ * Getting on the same page * Syllabus * Accessing and working with the course data * If time allows - Intro to text data ] .pull-right[ ![](img/edld652-logo.png) ] --- # whoami .pull-left[ * Research Associate Professor: Behavioral Research and Teaching * Dad (two daughters: 9 and 7) * Pronouns: he/him/his * Primary areas of interest: 💗💗R💗💗, computational research, systemic inequities in opportunities and achievement, and variance between educational institutions ] .pull-right[ ![](img/IMG_1306.jpeg) </div> ] --- class: center middle inverse-blue # whoisyou? .left[ * Introduce yourself * Why are you here? * What pronouns would you like us to use for you for this class? * What was one thing you did not related to academic work over winter break? ] --- # A few class policies -- * Be kind -- * Be understanding and have patience, with others **and yourself** -- * Help others whenever possible -- Truly the most important part of this class. Important not just in terms of decency, but also in your learning, and most importantly, for equity. --- # A more specific policy ### Kiddos in class -- * All breastfeeding babies are welcome in class as often as necessary. -- * Non-nursing babies and older children are welcome whenever alternate arrangements cannot be made. As a parent of two young children, I understand that babysitters fall through, partners have conflicting schedules, children get sick, and other issues arise that leave parents with few other options. --- * In cases where children come to class, I invite parents/caregivers to sit close to the door so as to more easily excuse yourself to attend to your child's needs. Non-parents in the class: please reserve seats near the door for your parenting classmates. -- * All students are expected to join with me in creating a welcoming environment that is respectful of your classmates who bring children to class. --- class: inverse-red middle center # Omicron --- # In-person class * This class is scheduled to be in-person * I am vaccinated and boosted (> 2 weeks ago) * I plan to always double mask * If you are not feeling well at all, even if you don't think it's COVID, please do not attend in person * All courses will simultaneously be on zoom, and recordings will be posted --- # Last intro thing * I'm here for you * We won't have specific office hours, but know I'm always willing to meet * This course, like all in the sequence, can be difficult. Don't suffer in silence. Don't do this alone. --- class: inverse-green middle background-size:cover # Syllabus --- # Course Website(s) .pull-left[ ## [website]( ] .pull-right[ .right[ ## [repo]( ] ] <iframe src="" width="100%" height="400px" data-external="1"></iframe> --- # Materials * Nearly everything will be distributed through the repo and through the website. * Please clone the repo now, if you haven't already. Pull each week for the most recent changes. * We'll use Canvas for grading, and that is essentially it. --- # R Markdown notes * These slides were produced with [**{xaringan}**](, an R Markdown variant. I encourage you to try it out and use it for your final project presentation. * The website was also produced with R Markdown (sort of) + It's a [**{blogdown}**]( website with some custom CSS and Hugo shortcodes * This course is not just about data viz, but also mediums for communication. This includes websites and [data dashboards]( among other possibilities. --- class: inverse-red middle # My assumptions about you --- # I assume you * Understand the R package ecosystem (how to find, install, load, and learn about them) -- * Can read "flat" (i.e., rectangular) datasets into R + I don't care what you use, but you should be using RStudio Projects & the [{here}]( package - See [Jenny Bryan's blog post]( for why. --- * Can perform basic data wrangling and transformations in R, using the tidyverse + Leverage appropriate functions for introductory data science tasks (pipeline) + "clean up" the dataset using scripts and reproducible workflows -- * Use version control with R via git and GitHub -- * Use R Markdown to create reproducible dynamic reports --- # Learning objectives * Transform data in a variety of ways to create effective data visualizations -- * Understand and and be able to apply basic string operations and work with textual data -- * Understand best practices in data visualization -- * Customize ggplot2 graphics by reordering factors, creating themes, etc. -- * Create an online data visualization portfolio using distill and/or flexdashboards to demonstrate key learning --- # Examples Below are some links to final projects from students who have taken this class previously. .pull-left[ ### Dashboards * [Alexis Adams-Clark]( * [Brendan Cullen]( * [Maggie Osa]( ] .pull-right[ ### Blog post * [Teresa Chen]( * [Ouafaa Hmaddi]( * [Murat Kezer]( ] --- # Weekly learning objectives Provide you a frame for what you should be working to learn for that specific week. -- ### This week's objectives * Understand the requirements of the course * Understand the requirements of the final project * Be ready to go with *git* and GitHub * Understand how to access the course data and documentation, begin playing with the data --- # Required Textbooks (free) .pull-left[ ## [Healy]( <div> <img src = height = 400> </div> ] .pull-right[ .right[ ## [Wilke]( ] <div> <img src = height = 400> </div> ] --- # Other books (also free) .pull-left[ ![]( ## [Bryan]( ] .pull-right[ .right[ <div> <img src = height = 400> </div> ] ] .right[ ### [Wickham & Grolemund]( ] --- class: inverse-green middle ## Another resource See the current draft [here]( Please read Chapter 8 on collaborating with git/GitHub. There is also a video lecture on this topic from last year that is linked on the website. <iframe src="" width="100%" height="400px" data-external="1"></iframe> --- class: inverse-orange middle # Extra credit opportunity **5 points**: Deep dive into a topic not covered by the course --- # Some options * Geographic data (we will discuss this, but it's relatively late and there's a ton we won't be able to get to) * Network data * DAGs * Flow data (e.g., alluvial diagrams) * Interactive plots * Animated plots --- class: inverse-blue middle # Some examples --- background-image:url( background-size:contain <br/> [Timo Grossenbacher]( --- class: inverse background-image:url( background-size:contain <br/> <br/> [Paul Campbell]( --- class: bottom background-image:url( background-size:contain <br/> <br/> [ggdag]( via Malcolm Barrett --- class: bottom background-image:url( background-size:contain <br/> <br/> [Patrick Honner]( via NYT --- class: bottom background-image:url( background-size:contain <br/> <br/> [James Curley]( --- # Labs See the [assignments]( page of the website. 15 points each (45 points total; 30%) 1. Distributions, GitHub collabo, and working w/strings 1. Visual perception & plot reproducing 1. Color --- # Homework Only one this time, worth 30 points (20%) * Basically the same as the labs, but scored correct/incorrect, and no in-class time devoted to them. * Okay to work on collaboratively - I actively encourage you to do so as long as you're using a shared repo -- ## Topic: Visualizing uncertainty, tables, and plot refinement --- # Data viz "in the wild" presentations Everyone will be randomly assigned a date to share two data visualizations you have found in publications, websites, or anywhere else IRL. * Not a formal presentation * Share the links with me before class - we'll look at it as a group and discuss * You note where you found it and what you like/dislike about it --- # Presentation order .footnote[I will email this out as well. ] .pull-left[ <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> Date </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Presenter </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Futing </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Zach </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-10 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Cano </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-17 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Ian </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-17 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Abbie </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-24 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Havisha </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-24 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Tingyu </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-31 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Dillon </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-01-31 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Eliott </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-07 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Merly </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-07 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Esmeralda </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ] .pull-right[ <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> Date </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Presenter </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-14 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Amy </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-14 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Diana </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-21 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Errol </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-21 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Mandi </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-28 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Adriana </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> 2022-02-28 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Rebecca </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ] --- class: inverse-red middle # Final Project 70 points total (46.66%) --- # Group project * Please try to finalize your group by the end of today. You will have time when exploring the course data to work together. * No fewer than 2, no more than 3. * Although the final is the only mandated group project, I encourage you to work with your group for all labs and the homework assignment as well. --- # Five parts * Proposal (5 points): Due 1/24/22 * Draft (10 points): Due 2/21/22 * Peer review (10 points): Assigned, 2/21/21; Due 2/28/22 * Presentation (5 points): 3/7/21 (Week 10) * Product (40 points): Due 11:59:59 PM, 3/14/21 --- # Product ### Four components: * A web-deployed portfolio showcasing your [#dataviz]( skills. + [distill]( (what I'll lecture on), [R Markdown](, or [blogdown]( website + Technical document with [pagedown]( or [bookdown]( + Scientific poster with [pagedown]( + [flexdashboard]( --- * At least three finalized data displays, with each accompanied by a strong narrative/story, as well as the history of how the visualization changed over time. * Housed on GitHub + Fully reproducible * Deployed through [GitHub pages]( (or netlify or similar) --- # Proposal ### Four components: * Show me some evidence that you've at least played around with the course data and that you have some ideas of what you want to do * *Very* preliminary visualizations, and/or hand-sketches of visuals you'd like to make, noting the data sources/columns to be used * Identification of the intended audience for each viz * The intended message to be communicated for each viz -- ## Main point - feedback! --- # Draft * Expected to still be a work in progress + Data visualizations should be largely complete * Deployment not expected * Provided to your peers so they can learn from you as much as you can learn from their feedback --- # Peer Review * We are all professionals here. It is imperative we act like it. * Understand the purpose of the exercise. * Zero tolerance policy for inappropriate comments * Should be vigorously encouraging -- ### Utilizing GitHub You'll be assigned three proposals to review (3 points each, plus one bonus point for free) * Fork their repo, embed comments & suggest changes to their code, submit a PR --- # Presentation Order randomly assigned. Basically a chance to share what you created! * Presentation length will be determined later, but likely to be in the 10-15 minute range (note - you will present as a group) * Share the final products * Share the prior iterations * Discuss the progression along the way and why specific changes were made * What challenges did you face along the way? What victories did you have that you are particularly proud of? --- class: inverse-blue middle # Grading --- # Points ### 150 points total * 3 labs at 15 points each (45 points; 30%) * 1 homework assignments at 30 points each (20%) * 1 Data Viz in the Wild (5 points; 3%) * Final Project (70 points; 50%) + Proposal (5 points; 3%) + Draft (10 points; 7%) + Peer review (10 points; 7%) + Presentation (5 points; 3%) + Product (40 points; 27%) --- # Grading | **Lower percent** |**Lower point range** | **Grade** | **Upper point range** | **Upper percent**| | :-------: | :-----------------| :-:| :---------------: | -----:| | 0.970+ | (146 pts or more) | A+ | | | | 0.930 | (140 pts) | A | (145 pts) | 0.969 | | 0.900 | (135 pts) | A- | (139 pts) | 0.929 | | 0.870 | (131 pts) | B+ | (134 pts) | 0.899 | | 0.830 | (125 pts) | B | (130 pts) | 0.869 | | 0.800 | (120 pts) | B- | (124 pts) | 0.829 | | 0.770 | (116 pts) | C+ | (119 pts) | 0.799 | | 0.730 | (110 pts) | C | (115 pts) | 0.769 | | 0.700 | (105 pts) | C- | (109 pts) | 0.739 | | | | F | (104 pts or less) | 0.699 | --- class: inverse background-image:url( background-size:contain --- class: inverse-blue middle # Data Visualization Competition --- # Optional: opt-in/opt-out * This term, we are hosting a data visualization competition hosted by USAFacts, who provided us with the course data * This is completely optional and you should feel under no obligation to be part of the competition * As a group, you neeed to decide whether to opt-in or opt-out by the start of class in Week 3 --- # A note on competition * Sometimes competition can lead to toxic environments. Let's not do that. * As previous portions of the syllabus should have made clear, this class is inherently collaborative **as a class** (i.e., you will be pointing out ways to improve your peers visuals through your peer review). * Should not be stress-inducing. Intended to be a fun way to challenge yourself to do your best work. --- # Competition * Week 10, all student groups will present on their final projects. * Those who opt-in will provide their presentations to three judges (one from UO, one from USAFacts, and one external to both organizations) * Judges evaluate the visuals using a rating scale (which I will create) and note strengths/weaknesses * Judges will make ratings independently initially, then will confer to declare a winner * You will receive the judges' feedback, in addition to mine (which all groups will receive at the end of the term) --- # Competition * Will be in a room besides this one * I will developer a flier to advertise the competition and invite attendees * Will be both live and virtual (i.e., there will be people joining via zoom) --- # Conditions for participating * Must opt-in * Must build your visuals to match the USAFacts style guide + Some of this is a bit tricky/finnicky with ggplot2 theming. I would be happy to help you with this outside of class --- # Why participate? * The winning group will have their best visual, or possibly all of their visuals, featured on the USAFacts website .pull-left[ * The winning group will also all get copies of [Alberto Cairo's]( [the truthful art]( ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- class: inverse-orange middle # Questions? --- class: inverse-green center bottom background-image:url(*aFHTAkhTkyWD93-UGRttPw.png) background-size:contain ## Full lecture [here]( Please do watch the video and read the chapter. --- # Quick pop quiz Talk with your neighbor. What do these terms mean? * stage * commit * push * pull * clone * fork * branch * merge * merge conflict * pull request * stash --- class: inverse-blue middle # Clone the course repo ## Why would we probably not want to fork the repo? --- class: inverse-orange middle # Course data --- # Getting started * To make it as easy as possible, I wrote a small R package to make accessing the data easier * Install with ```r remotes::install_github("datalorax/edld652") ``` --- # Setting your key * When you first load the package, you will see a message asking you to set a key. * There is a document on canvas showing you how to do this. We'll go through it together now. * You only need to do this once, then you can forget about it. * Please do not share this key with others outside of this class - don't commit it to any repo. * After you've set your key, go to **Session** on your menu and select **Restart R**. --- # Check to see if all is working After you've done everything on the prior slide, run the following to make sure it's working ```r library(edld652) list_datasets() ``` ``` ## [1] "EDFacts_acgr_lea_2011_2019" ## [2] "EDFacts_acgr_sch_2011_2019" ## [3] "EDFacts_math_achievement_lea_2010_2019" ## [4] "EDFacts_math_achievement_sch_2010_2019" ## [5] "EDFacts_math_participation_lea_2013_2019" ## [6] "EDFacts_math_participation_sch_2013_2019" ## [7] "EDFacts_rla_achievement_lea_2010_2019" ## [8] "EDFacts_rla_achievement_sch_2010_2019" ## [9] "EDFacts_rla_participation_lea_2013_2019" ## [10] "EDFacts_rla_participation_sch_2013_2019" ## [11] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2010" ## [12] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2011" ## [13] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2012" ## [14] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2013" ## [15] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2014" ## [16] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2015" ## [17] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2016" ## [18] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2017" ## [19] "NCES_CCD_fiscal_district_2018" ## [20] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_district_2017_2021_directory" ## [21] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_district_2017_2021_disabilities" ## [22] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_district_2017_2021_english_learners" ## [23] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_district_2017_2021_membership" ## [24] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_district_2017_2021_staff" ## [25] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2017_2020_lunch_program" ## [26] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2017_2020_school_characteristics" ## [27] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2017_2020_staff" ## [28] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2017_2021_directory" ## [29] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2017_membership" ## [30] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2018_membership" ## [31] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2019_membership" ## [32] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_school_2020_membership" ## [33] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_state_2017_2020_directory" ## [34] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_state_2017_2020_staff" ## [35] "NCES_CCD_nonfiscal_state_2017_2021_membership" ``` --- # Accessing a dataset * The `list_datasets()` function shows you a list of all available datasets * You can import any of these into R with the `get_data()` function by passing the name of the dataset as a string. For example: Average cohort graduate rates for local education agency data, 2011 to 2019 ```r acgd <- get_data("EDFacts_acgr_lea_2011_2019") ``` ``` ## | | | 0% | | | 1% | |= | 2% | |= | 3% | |== | 4% | |== | 5% | |== | 6% | |=== | 7% | |=== | 8% | |==== | 9% | |==== | 10% | |==== | 11% | |===== | 11% | |===== | 12% | |===== | 13% | |===== | 14% | |====== | 14% | |====== | 15% | |====== | 16% | |======= | 16% | |======= | 17% | |======= | 18% | |======= | 19% | |======== | 19% | |======== | 20% | |======== | 21% | |========= | 22% | |========= | 23% | |========== | 24% | |========== | 25% | |========== | 26% | |=========== | 27% | |=========== | 28% | |============ | 29% | |============ | 30% | |============ | 31% | |============= | 32% | |============= | 33% | |============== | 34% | |============== | 35% | |============== | 36% | |=============== | 36% | |=============== | 37% | |=============== | 38% | |=============== | 39% | |================ | 39% | |================ | 40% | |================ | 41% | |================= | 41% | |================= | 42% | |================= | 43% | |================= | 44% | |================== | 44% | |================== | 45% | |================== | 46% | |=================== | 46% | |=================== | 47% | |=================== | 48% | |=================== | 49% | |==================== | 49% | |==================== | 50% | |==================== | 51% | |===================== | 52% | |===================== | 53% | |====================== | 54% | |====================== | 55% | |====================== | 56% | |======================= | 57% | |======================= | 58% | |======================== | 59% | |======================== | 60% | |======================== | 61% | |========================= | 62% | |========================= | 63% | |========================== | 64% | |========================== | 65% | |========================== | 66% | |=========================== | 66% | |=========================== | 67% | |=========================== | 68% | |=========================== | 69% | |============================ | 69% | |============================ | 70% | |============================ | 71% | |============================= | 71% | |============================= | 72% | |============================= | 73% | |============================= | 74% | |============================== | 74% | |============================== | 75% | |============================== | 76% | |=============================== | 77% | |=============================== | 78% | |================================ | 79% | |================================ | 80% | |================================ | 81% | |================================= | 82% | |================================= | 83% | |================================== | 84% | |================================== | 85% | |================================== | 86% | |=================================== | 87% | |=================================== | 88% | |==================================== | 89% | |==================================== | 90% | |==================================== | 91% | |===================================== | 91% | |===================================== | 92% | |===================================== | 93% | |===================================== | 94% | |====================================== | 94% | |====================================== | 95% | |====================================== | 96% | |======================================= | 96% | |======================================= | 97% | |======================================= | 98% | |======================================= | 99% | |========================================| 99% | |========================================| 100% ``` ```r acgd ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 11,326 × 29 ## ALL_COHORT ALL_RATE CWD_COHORT CWD_RATE ## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 252 80 3 PS ## 2 398 75 47 70-79 ## 3 1020 89 51 40-49 ## 4 750 91 35 60-69 ## 5 128 55-59 15 LT50 ## 6 166 90-94 9 GE50 ## 7 336 90 30 60-79 ## 8 273 77 11 LT50 ## 9 134 70-74 4 PS ## 10 266 58 33 50-59 ## # … with 11,316 more rows, and 25 more variables: ## # DATE_CUR <chr>, ECD_COHORT <dbl>, ## # ECD_RATE <chr>, FIPST <chr>, FILEURL <chr>, ## # LEAID <chr>, LEANM <chr>, LEP_COHORT <dbl>, ## # LEP_RATE <chr>, MAM_COHORT <dbl>, ## # MAM_RATE <chr>, MAS_COHORT <dbl>, ## # MAS_RATE <chr>, MBL_COHORT <dbl>, … ``` --- ```r acgd ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 11,326 × 29 ## ALL_COHORT ALL_RATE CWD_COHORT CWD_RATE ## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 252 80 3 PS ## 2 398 75 47 70-79 ## 3 1020 89 51 40-49 ## 4 750 91 35 60-69 ## 5 128 55-59 15 LT50 ## 6 166 90-94 9 GE50 ## 7 336 90 30 60-79 ## 8 273 77 11 LT50 ## 9 134 70-74 4 PS ## 10 266 58 33 50-59 ## # … with 11,316 more rows, and 25 more variables: ## # DATE_CUR <chr>, ECD_COHORT <dbl>, ## # ECD_RATE <chr>, FIPST <chr>, FILEURL <chr>, ## # LEAID <chr>, LEANM <chr>, LEP_COHORT <dbl>, ## # LEP_RATE <chr>, MAM_COHORT <dbl>, ## # MAM_RATE <chr>, MAS_COHORT <dbl>, ## # MAS_RATE <chr>, MBL_COHORT <dbl>, … ``` --- # Accessing documentation * The names of the datasets themselves can sometimes be a bit cryptic * The variable names are often not interpretable at all (particularly the financial data) * You can access the documentation for any dataset with the `get_documentation()` function, again passing the name of the dataset * This function operates slightly differently on Mac/Windows --- * Mac + Creates a folder in your current working directory called `data-documentation` + Downloads the documentation and places it in that folder + Opens the documentation + If the same documentation is requested again, skip the download and just open * Windows + Prints a link to your console where documentation can be downloaded -- Note - if any Windows users want to let me borrow their computer for a bit after class one day, I might be able to get it working for Windows as well. --- class: inverse-blue middle # Data demo For the next 30 minutes or so we will: * Walk through the [overview of the course data](../2021-12-10-accessing-the-data/) together, and then * Work in small groups to continue to explore the data and come up with new visualizations on your own. --- class: inverse-red middle # Intro to textual data --- # Structured vs unstructured * Most every dataset you've ever worked with is what is referred to as a **structured** dataset - it has rows and columns. * But there is an incredible amount of data out there that is **unstructured** - it just sort of exists -- * Most text data is unstructured. How would you analyze the contents of a book? No rows or columns there --- # Getting text data There are **many** ways to get text data. Any digital text could potentially be used as textual data. -- How about Wikipedia? -- Anything that lives on the web is a common use case. Social media data being perhaps primary among them. --- # "Screen" scraping Short foray into web scraping. It's not expected you fully follow this. More about "exposure" and less about building competencies. -- Use the [rvest]( package to scrape the data you see "on the screen". -- Let's read in the Wikipedia page on Eugene ```r library(rvest) eugene <- read_html("") ``` --- # Grab paragraphs The `"#mw-content-text > > p"` is the CSS selector that I pulled from the website ```r paragraphs <- eugene %>% html_elements("#mw-content-text > > p") %>% html_text2() ``` The first paragraph is just an empty line, so they are numbered p + 1 Print the first paragraph ```r cat(stringr::str_wrap(paragraphs[2], 50)) ``` ``` ## Eugene (/juːˈdʒiːn/ yoo-JEEN) is a city in the ## U.S. state of Oregon, in the Pacific Northwest. It ## is at the southern end of the Willamette Valley, ## near the confluence of the McKenzie and Willamette ## rivers, about 50 miles (80 km) east of the Oregon ## Coast.[7] ``` --- # Print the fourth paragraph ```r cat(stringr::str_wrap(paragraphs[5], 50)) ``` ``` ## The first people to settle in the Eugene area were ## known as the Kalapuyans, also written Calapooia ## or Calapooya. They made "seasonal rounds," moving ## around the countryside to collect and preserve ## local foods, including acorns, the bulbs of the ## wapato and camas plants, and berries. They stored ## these foods in their permanent winter village. ## When crop activities waned, they returned to their ## winter villages and took up hunting, fishing, and ## trading.[19][20] They were known as the Chifin ## Kalapuyans and called the Eugene area where they ## lived "Chifin", sometimes recorded as "Chafin" or ## "Chiffin".[21][22] ``` --- # Analysis How do we analyze the text? What we we even analyze? -- First, let's structure it! Turn the text into a simple data frame. -- ```r library(tidyverse) eugene_df <- tibble( paragraph = seq_along(paragraphs), description = paragraphs ) eugene_df ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 130 × 2 ## paragraph ## <int> ## 1 1 ## 2 2 ## 3 3 ## 4 4 ## 5 5 ## 6 6 ## 7 7 ## 8 8 ## 9 9 ## 10 10 ## # … with 120 more rows, and 1 more variable: ## # description <chr> ``` --- # Can we analyze it now? Not really... what would we analyze? -- Words! Let's break it into words. This is where the [tidytext]( package comes into play. --- # The `unnest_tokens()` function Just like most functions in the tidyverse, we pipe our data to `unnest_tokens()` * First argument is the name of the new column we want in our data * Second argument is the text data to process * Third argument is how the text should processed. The default is `"words"`, meaning the text will be broken into words. --- # Example ```r library(tidytext) eugene_tidy_words <- eugene_df %>% unnest_tokens(word, description) eugene_tidy_words ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 7,814 × 2 ## paragraph word ## <int> <chr> ## 1 2 eugene ## 2 2 juːˈdʒiːn ## 3 2 yoo ## 4 2 jeen ## 5 2 is ## 6 2 a ## 7 2 city ## 8 2 in ## 9 2 the ## 10 2 u.s ## # … with 7,804 more rows ``` Not perfect, but pretty good --- # What to do now? Let's count some words! ```r eugene_tidy_words %>% count(word, sort = TRUE) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2,478 × 2 ## word n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 the 597 ## 2 and 249 ## 3 of 231 ## 4 in 230 ## 5 eugene 178 ## 6 a 136 ## 7 to 116 ## 8 is 95 ## 9 for 76 ## 10 was 76 ## # … with 2,468 more rows ``` --- # Plot the top 15 words ```r eugene_tidy_words %>% count(word, sort = TRUE) %>% mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) %>% # make y-axis ordered by n slice(1:15) %>% # select only the first 15 rows ggplot(aes(n, word)) + geom_col(fill = "cornflowerblue") ``` ![](w1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Not very informative ## Why? -- Most of the words are common words like "the", "and", "of" (top three words) -- These are referred to as "stop words". -- Luckily, **tidytext** provides us with a dictionary of stop words. We can use an `anti_join()` with this dictionary to remove these words. --- # Quick refresher A `semi_join()` works just like an `inner_join()`, but without adding any columns. A `semi_join()` works by **keeping** only rows that are in common with the two datasets. -- An `anti_join()` does basically the opposite, by **removing** any rows that are in common between the two datasets. --- # Look at the stop words This dataset is available to you as soon as you load **tidytext**. There are three lexicons - I usually use all three. ```r stop_words ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1,149 × 2 ## word lexicon ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 a SMART ## 2 a's SMART ## 3 able SMART ## 4 about SMART ## 5 above SMART ## 6 according SMART ## 7 accordingly SMART ## 8 across SMART ## 9 actually SMART ## 10 after SMART ## # … with 1,139 more rows ``` --- # Count Let's try counting again without the stop words included. .pull-left[ ```r eugene_tidy_words %>% * anti_join(stop_words) %>% count(word, sort = TRUE) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2,199 × 2 ## word n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 eugene 178 ## 2 city 54 ## 3 oregon 50 ## 4 university 40 ## 5 community 27 ## 6 lane 24 ## 7 eugene's 23 ## 8 college 20 ## 9 home 20 ## 10 center 19 ## # … with 2,189 more rows ``` ] .pull-right[ ## So much more informative! ] --- # Plot the top 15 words ```r eugene_tidy_words %>% anti_join(stop_words) %>% count(word, sort = TRUE) %>% mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) %>% # make y-axis ordered by n slice(1:15) %>% # select only the first 15 rows ggplot(aes(n, word)) + geom_col(fill = "cornflowerblue") ``` ![](w1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Add the headers in I hid the code here because it's weird and inefficient but the HTML structure made it difficult. You can look at the source if you want. The new dataframe is called `eugene_tidy_words2`. ``` ## # A tibble: 130 × 3 ## paragraph header ## <int> <chr> ## 1 1 Intro ## 2 2 Intro ## 3 3 Intro ## 4 4 Intro ## 5 5 History ## 6 6 History ## 7 7 History ## 8 8 History ## 9 9 History ## 10 10 History ## # … with 120 more rows, and 1 more variable: ## # description <chr> ``` --- # Count words by header Not surprisingly, "eugene" appears to be the most common among multiple categories. We might want to remove "eugene" as well. ```r eugene_tidy_words2 %>% unnest_tokens(word, description) %>% count(header, word, sort = TRUE) %>% anti_join(stop_words) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3,029 × 3 ## header word n ## <chr> <chr> <int> ## 1 Arts and culture eugene 54 ## 2 History eugene 21 ## 3 Infrastructure eugene 20 ## 4 Arts and culture church 19 ## 5 Education eugene 15 ## 6 Geography eugene 15 ## 7 Economy eugene 14 ## 8 Education school 14 ## 9 Government eugene 14 ## 10 Arts and culture center 12 ## # … with 3,019 more rows ``` --- # Plot Top 15 words by header ```r p <- eugene_tidy_words2 %>% unnest_tokens(word, description) %>% count(header, word, sort = TRUE) %>% anti_join(stop_words) %>% group_by(header) %>% slice(1:15) %>% ggplot(aes(n, word)) + geom_col(fill = "cornflowerblue") + facet_wrap(~header, scales = "free_y") ``` --- class: full-size-fig <img src="w1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-24-1.png" width="90%" /> --- class: inverse-green middle # Next time * Finish up on text data * Discuss string manipulations * Discuss distribution/binning